Let us help you narrow down popular areas in Marghzar Officers Colony to invest your savings in real estate. This House will help you make the best decision for you and your family. Don't wait to invest in Marghzar Officers Colony if you seek profitable returns. Of all the attractions of this property, its price-tag of Rs. 12000000 is perhaps the most important one. Considering to buy this property? This one has multi-purpose facilities that doesn't show up on the radar too often. Book your dream 3 Marla property today and surprise your family.
Read below to find out what this property offers.
Your personal space can stay personal with a powder room in the home.
The property has a lounging area to allow you some breathing room.
A dedicated space for washing, like a separate laundry room comes in handy, especially when you have a large load.
Host perfect parties for your friends in this stunning drawing room that is part of this House.
Now you can plan mealtimes with more detail with a separate dining room that comes with this House.
If you want more information, please contact us!