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Rs 4,200

Xiaomi 67 watt Original Charger

Ali Abad, Rawalpindi
13 hours ago
Device TypeMobile
TypeUSB Type-C
Get Xiaomi 100% original 67 watt charger at best rate now. Result of charger is attached you can see it can charge almost 4% to 5% in 1 minute proof is attached in picture. In first picture at 10:52 PM I put my phone on charge while the battery was at 45% and in the Second picture I checked the result after 5 mins of charging at 10:57 and my phone was charged to 67% which is 22% charging in 5 minutes :) It's the best 2 in 1 charger as it not only charge your phone but also best to charge you laptop as I've attached image, You can charge you laptop with it aswel Its market price is 5000-5500 but since we've good stock now therefore we've offering it at lowest price even shopkeeper and retailers are welcome to purchase at 3800/Piece if buy more than 5 pieces. I've tested it first at my end then sharing the results as its the best one and you can also check it before purchasing. Note : Price is full and final as its not a copy or master copy etc, its 100% Genuine 67 watt, its market price is 5000-5500 while I’m already giving it on discounted rate.
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