Table: 1.
- Quantity: 2
- Wooden base
- Iron frame
- Used but dentless
- 100% original shine
- Smart.
- Dimensions: 6*4
- Price: Rs. 17000/- each
Table 2.
- Quanity: 3
- Wooden base
- Iron frame
- Used but dentless
- 100% original shine
- Smart
- Dimensions: 4*4
- Price: Rs. 7000/- each
Table. 3
- Quantity: 1
- Wooden
- Can be disassembled
- Multiple racks of varying dimensions on both ends
- Used but dentless
- Borders made tougher
- Racks with locks
- Decorated front
- Cupped support bases
- Smart and easy-to-handle
- Dimensions:
* Length: 5.81 ft
* Width: 2.76 ft
* Height: 2.43 ft
- Price: Rs. 20000/-