At Rs. 12500000, you cannot find a more tempting deal. This House is situated at the heart of city in Lalazaar Garden. You can be certain to find a home in Lalazaar Garden due to the property options it offers. Your best investment could be in House that is both good for sale or rent in the long run. With so many investment options available, you can become a proud property owner today. This appealing 3 Marla property has been carefully curated for your needs.
To get to more details on the property, some of its features are given below.
A luxurious drawing room like this will surely inspire awe in your guests.
A well-designed powder room in the residence adds to its luxury.
Mealtime with families or entertaining guests, the house's large dining room solves all problems.
Now you don't have to worry about seating your close relatives as the central lounge in this House is big enough.
Laundry can now become easier to do with the dedicated laundry room in the House.
If you want more information, please contact us.