برانڈ نیو کنڈیشن
سٹور اینڈ پک اپ لوکیشن اسلام آباد جی ایٹ
کیش اون ڈیلیوری آل پاکستان
آرڈر کے لئے دیئے گئے نمبر پر واٹسپ کریں شکریہ
Healthmonitor -ECG-Monitor/Recorder
user-friendly mobile 1-channel ECG recorder+ recording length of 30s/60s/5min high quality built-in electrodes which allow wireless measurement +external electrodes included Operation via touch screen. Menu language in EnglishHealthmonitor ECG-Monitor/Recorder - ECG Recorder in your pocket
The small heart monitor belongs to a new generation of mobile ECG monitors. It is the perfect self-monitoring device for on the road or at home, as the measuring time ranges from 30 seconds to up to 5 minutes (only with external electrodes). The result (heart rate & pulse) is then automatically interpreted by the device. The wireless application and the direct display of the heart rate and waveform on the display allow a quick assessment of the cardiac condition. The device has 100 measuring stations. What we like very much is that the Healthmonitor can be easily controlled with a finger via touch screen. However, the menu navigation is in English language.
Reliable and Professional Analysis:
- Arrhythmia
- Heart Pause
- Atrial Fibricular (AF)
- Tachycardia & Bradycardia
- Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC)
Product features:
- Take noise-free EKG with cable and reusable electro pads
- Take EKG cable free on your palm
- Wireless personal EKG monitor
- Lead I, Lead II or Chest Lead
- 30s / 60s / 5m recording duration
- Card size, built-in memory, touch screen with graphic guidance
- free App for iOS/Android (Check Mobile