This is a Custom Drone built from scratch. All the parts are imported from China, & assembled here in Pakistan. Spray Mechanism installed below Drone triggered by a MosFit. This Drone can be operated by a Radio Transmitter, a Laptop (Mission Planner), as well as Autonomously. Successfully completed 12 Flights. This package includes Drone, Radio Transmitter, Ground Telemetry & 3 extra Propellers. Detail,
Carbon Fibre Frame
Pixhawk Flight Controller
Pixhawk GPS & Telemetry
5000 mAh LiPo Battery
DJI 920kv Motors
HobbyWing 40A ESC
Plastic Propellers
Safety Switch
12V Water Pump
MosFit Trigger Module
Complete Wiring
Rubber Pipe
FlySky FS-I6X (Radio Transmitter)
Radio Receiver