1. Clear LCD display
2. Comfortable protective cover, with test lead hanging groove
3.2 meters drop test, precision protection
4. Loud buzzer sound; Ergonomic design
5. Unique battery test feature: Displays‘good’,‘low’, and‘bad’ statuses when testing 1.5V/9V/12V batteries
Tech. Spec
Specifications Range UT33B+
DC voltage (V) 200mV/2V/20V/200V/600V ±(0.5%2)
AC voltage (V) 200V/600V ±(1.2%+3)
DC current (A) 200μA/200mA/10A ±(1%+2)
Resistance (Ω) 200Ω/2kΩ/20kΩ
/200kΩ/20MΩ ±(0.8%+2)
Display count 2000
Auto power off/Auto backlight off √
Diode test/Continuity buzzer √
2m drop test/ Test probe holder √
Range selection Manual
Battery test 1.5V/9V/12V
General Characteristics
Power 1.5V battery (R03) x 2
Display 66mm x 51mm
Product net weight Red and grey
Product color 206g (batteries included)
Product size 134mm x 77mm x 47mm
Standard accessories Batteries, test leads