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Rs 9,500

Thunder Blaster Gun M762 Automatic Gun with Telescope Electric Rifle

Bahria Town - Sector D, Lahore
5 hours ago
TypeToy Guns
DELIVERY AVAILABLE Within city : SAME DAY Charges based On Distance. Out of City : 24 to 48 hour express delivery COD delivery charges 400 TCS/Leopard For order please call or WhatsApp 0/3/0/9/8/8/8/8/1/8/3 Thunder Gel Ball Blaster Gun M762 Automatic Gun with Telescope Electric Rifle Dry Bullet Gun for Adults This M762 gel blaster is suitable for both adults and children and is excellent for outdoor activities. Compared to bb guns and airsoft guns, the gel blaster fires gel balls rather quickly and with less harm. The gun's rechargeable battery makes it simple to use it over a long period of time. Additionally, a battery charger for continuing use of the pistol is included. Additionally, a sample package of gel balls is included with the pistol so you can start using it as soon as the gel balls are hydrated.
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