At Rs. 25000000, you cannot find a more tempting deal. A location like DHA Phase 9 Prism is much sought-after by residents as well as investors. We help your dream property in Lahore. If you are dreaming about your own Residential Plot now is the time to take action. Buying this property will open up the options for you. You can either keep it as an investment or make the perfect home for your family. This 20 Marla property is great for your investment needs.
Find out more details about the property with the following.
Along with other amenities, the Residential Plot comes with a sewerage system ensuring proper and efficient drainage.
The uninterrupted water supply prevents the residents from facing any hassle on this front.
Active supply of electricity is ensured.
A dedicated Sui Gas supply means that you don't have to worry about cooking facilities.
Possession of properties is a quick and easy process.
A boundary wall around the Residential Plot ensures safety for the residents.
Want to know more? Contact us now.