contact: 0/3/2/2/1/6/9/9/4/4/7
Selling SUZUKI CULTUS VXR in amazing condition for sale. please read the description before contacting it has every information that you'll need
+ CHAT, PILAR, ORIGINAL sides minor spray inside 100% original un-touched non accidental
- Cultus VXR
- Water throwing engine
- alloyrims
- new tires
- Suspension just like new
- Not even single penny of work needed
- Cleaned plugs mainted engine mainted car
- totally home used car
- original skit marks stated on the car
- better then wagon r it has no vibration
- No Zhang at all
- never been to any type of accident
- just buy and drive
- Biometric available
- original file attached with smart card and book
-Price is full and final do not waste my time or your time if you only want to purchase then visit with token do not waste the time please
jazak allah.