Welcome to """""""Unique Renewable Energy""""""""""
solar tubewell pumping system with 20% off
2HP to 30HP Solar water pumping solutions.
The Above prices are covered with the following items:
1. ). Pump
2. ). Motor,
3. ). Aluminum framing structure.
4. ). INVT CHF-100 inverter.
5. ). Solar Modules.
6. ). Well Pipe/Poly roll pipe
7. ). S. S Sling Rops.
8. ). Distribution Box.
9. ). Installation workman's.
10. ). Within Karachi City.
ہمارے کسان بھائیوں کو سولر میں خصوصی رعایت
2 Years Complete Warranty by The Manufacturers
Note: Dollar Exchange Rates Will Apply! if Any Dollar Rates As Of 20-Feb-2023 = 1$USD = 265pkr.
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