Roof Mounted Solar Structure.
Ground Mounted Solar Structure
Pole Mounted Solar Structure
Roof Mounted Solar Structure
Rooftop solar panel mounting structures are mounted on the roof and need roof penetration. It is ideal for the places that have wide area on the roof. They are either fixed or adjustable. Roof Mounted Racks have following types:
Ballasted mount
Flush Mounts
Hybrid Mount
Ballasted Mounts
Ballasted Mounts are comparatively inexpensive and do not require roof penetration. They are faster and cheaper to install.
Flush Mount
As the name suggests, we manufacture and supply this mount type and it lay flush over the surface of roof. There is only 2 to 4 inches of space between the mount and your roof. They need roof penetration and are fixed. This type is widely used in residential areas.
Hybrid Mount
Hybrid mount is the combination of both Ballasted Mount and Flush Mount. This solar panel structure is designed using specs of both mounts according to the requirement. These mounts are typically more expensive and occupy more space on the roof.