برانڈ نیو کنڈیشن
سٹور اینڈ پک اپ لوکیشن اسلام آباد
کیش اون ڈیلیوری آل پاکستان
آرڈر کے لئے تصویر پر دیئے گئے نمبر پر واٹسپ کریں شکریہ
Dishan Ear Machine-GM 910 Red (Completely In the Canal)- Invisible Smallest Mini Wireless Model- Volume Adjustable Sound Enhancement Amplifier Hearing for Old Age PeopleProduct details
Top highlights
Machine Features: Max sound output: 120/5dB, Sound gain- Upto 50 dB, Total harmonic wave distortion- Upto 10%, Frequency range- 300-4000Hz, Input noise- Upto 40 dB, Voltage- d. c 1.5 V, Current- Upto 4mA. Hearing Aid Material:- Hearing aid-ABS, Ear Cap-Silicone, Weights: Less Than 10g, easy to carry.
Product performance : All parts should be fully assembled and fixed reliably. The text, symbols or marks should be clear, correct and firm. The connections of each component should be reliable and effective. The operation of various adjustment buttons, switches and other mechanisms should be flexible and effective.
Environmental test requirements: The environmental test of hearing aids should meet the requirements of 4.4 and Table 2.1 and 2.2 of GB/T14199-2010. The transportation test should meet the requirements of Chapter 4 in GB/T14710-2009.
Earbuds to Fit Ear Dome: The earbuds are exquisite and compact, and they are firmly decorated with sweat-proof material. They are designed according to the human ear. The Ear Machine is made to be extremely durable and last a lifetime.
In the box- Hearing aid machine, Battery(1pc), Earbuds, Instruction Manual
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