Title: Saint Peter Church by Madison, Wisconsin - Rare Antique Book for Sale
I’m selling a rare, antique book titled Saint Peter Church by Madison, Wisconsin. This book is a valuable addition for collectors, history enthusiasts, or anyone interested in the architectural and cultural significance of the church.
Condition: Good condition with minimal wear. The pages are clean and intact, showing the book's age but retaining its charm.
Content: The book features rich historical insights, detailed descriptions of Saint Peter Church's design, and rare photographs showcasing the church's architecture and community impact.
Unique Features: Includes historical photos, illustrations, and a comprehensive account of the church's journey.
Ideal for Collectors: A must-have for those passionate about religious history, architecture, and vintage books.
Price: [3000]
Location: [Pakistan, Peshawar]
Shipping: Available locally or internationally at additional cost.
Feel free to contact me for more details or to purchase!