The price tag is set quite reasonably at Rs. 44500000. The House is in demand for all kinds of right reasons, so don't miss this chance. You can find the best properties in Sabzazar Scheme. With the boom in real estate market properties for sale to your liking can be easy to find. 10 Marla property is up for sale, so enquire today to make a booking. The best in class properties you can find in Sabzazar Scheme.
The details of the property are listed down below.
One of the distinguishing features of the property is its spacious powder room.
This property has a separate dining room to host your guests in privacy.
Now you don't have to think twice about space before hosting a party due to the spacious lounge area that comes with this House.
All your washing can be done in one place with a laundry room that serves the purpose.
Entertaining your guests will become much easier with this attached drawing room.
Contact us now to know all you need to make the best property decisions!