username is of mine reddit account
no foolish offers, please don't waste yours or mine time
price is final
not selling parts buy the build in reasonable price
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 max temps under 66 @22000 with tray
Motherboard: Gigabyte A520M K V2 @18000 with box and warrany which is left
RAM: 32GB XPG Spectrix D35G 3200MHz/3600MHz(XMP) @23000 with warranty which is left
Storage: Klevv Cras C710 M. 2 1TB NVMe SSD @15000+warranty which is left
CPU Cooler: AeroCool Pulse L120F ARGB AIO CPU cooler full box and accessories included @8500
Case Fans: Thunder Case Fan Tornado TCS-90 ARGB Kit (3000rpm )+ 3 thunder air max 9(~1100rpm for less dust build up)(with box+hub and remote used less a month) @8500
Power Supply: Super Flower 600W 80+ Silver @7500
PC Case: Thunder Diesel TGC-684(scratchless Tempered glass) @12000