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Ryzen 5 Pro 1500 Dell Tower Model 5055

Shahdara, Lahore
1 week ago
Dell 5055 Tower AMD Processor Ryzen 5 Pro 1500 4 x Cores 8 x Threads 4 x Ram Slots DDR-4 RAM SUPPORT NVMe SSD Support No Ram No Hard No VGA Available moreover Graphic Cardsavailable nVidia Quadro RTX-8000 48-GB, 384-Bit, DDR-6 nVidia Quadro P-6000 24-GB, 384-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro M6000 24-GB, 384-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro P-620 2-GB, 128-Bit, DDR5 nVidia Quadro P-5000 16-GB, 256-Bit nVidia Quadro M-2000 4-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro P2000 5-GB, 160-Bit, DDR5 Low Profile Graphic Card AMD Radeon RX-550 4-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 Directx 12, Low Profile Desktop strip Ports, 1 x DP, 2 x Mini DP AMD V8700 1-GB, 256-Bit, DDR-5 AMD 8570 1-GB, 64-Bit, DDR-3 AMD R7-250 2-GB, 128-Bit AMD R5-240 1-GB, 64-Bit, DDR-3 AMD R5-340x 2-GB, 64-Bit, DDR-3 AMD V5800 1-GB 128-Bit, DDR-5 AMD Vision Tech 7850, 2-GB, 6 x mini DP outputs AMD 7570 1-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-3 AMD V5900 2-GB, 256-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia GT 710 2-GB, 64-Bit, DDR-3 nVidia GT 730 2-GB, 64-Bit, DDR-3 nVidia GT 640 1-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro P-400 2-GB, 64-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro 4000 2-GB, 256-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro K2000 2-GB, 128 Bit, DDR-5 nVidia, Quadro K4000 3-GB, 192-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia K2200 4-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia Quadro K4200 4-GB, 256-Bit, DDR-5 AMD Fire Pro W5000 2-GB, 256-Bit, DDR-5 AMD Fire Pro V4900 1-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 AMD Fire Pro V3900 1-GB, 128-Bit, DDR3 nVidia, Quadro K420 1-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-3 AMD Fire Pro W5100 4-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 nVidia GTX-1070-Ti 8-GB, 256-Bit Zotac AMP Extreme edition With box, 3 x Fans nVidia GTX-780 3-GB, 384-Bit, Subvender nVidia Founder nVidia GTX-680 2-GB, 256-Bit AMD RX 560 4-GB, 128-BIT, Subvender XFX 2 x Fans nVidia GTX 750 Ti 2-GB, 128-BIT, Asus & Zotac, 2 x Fans AMD RX 590 8-GB, 256-BIT nVidia RTX-3050 8-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-6 Subvender PALIT 1 x Fan nVidia GTX-960 2-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 Subvender HP OEM 1 x Fan HDMi not working Condition OK Quadro P-620, 2-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-5 4 x mini dp ports nVidia Quadro K620 2-GB, 128-Bit, DDR-3 Moreover All Power Supply available 250, 400w, 500w, 550w, 600W, 650W, 700W, 750W, 850W, 1050W, 1350W, 1650W, 1800W, 2000W Moreover, All Workstations available Workstations available Desktops Workstations Dell Desktop T-3420 Hp Desktop Z240 Lenovo Desktop P310 C20 Tower Workstations Super Micro with Dual Xeon Silver Processors 4108 also supported intel xeon Gold Processors Also same brand with double Processors E5-2683 v4 (total 32 Cores) Hp Z600 Z800 Z420 Z620 Z820 Z440 Z640 Z840 Z4 G4 Z6 G4 Z8 G4 Dell T3620 T3500 T5500 T3600 T3610 T5600 T5610 T7600 T7810 T7910 T5820 T7820 T7920 Lenovo P500 P510 P700 P900 P920 Moreover, All Generations motherboards and Processors available
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