username is of mine reddit account
no foolish offers, please don't waste yours or mine time
negotiable but will sell to the highest offer
can sell parts also (but not GPU it will be sold if you buy the build) but will prefer selling it as a whole build
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 max temps under 66 @24000 with tray
Motherboard: Gigabyte A520M K V2 @19000 with box and warrany which is left
GPU: ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 3060 12GB OC | max temps under 70°C on stock fan curves @88000 with box
RAM: 32GB XPG Spectrix D35G 3200MHz/3600MHz(XMP) @23000 with warranty which is left
Storage: Klevv Cras C710 M. 2 1TB NVMe SSD @15000+warranty which is left
CPU Cooler: AeroCool Pulse L120F ARGB AIO CPU cooler full box and accessories included @8500
Case Fans: Thunder Case Fan Tornado TCS-90 ARGB Kit (3000rpm @4000)+ 3 thunder air max 9(~1100rpm for less dust build up)(with box+hub and remote @4500 used less a month)
Power Supply: Super Flower 600W 80+ Silver @8500
PC Case: Thunder Diesel TGC-684(scratchless Tempered glass) @12000