I want to sale my complete system
Salam I Want to sale my PC
Specs are below mentioned
CPU :-
1. Ryzen 5 3600 Tray (7 Months Warranty Remaining)
2.16 GB Ram 8 + 8 GB with Box (3200 MHz) Lexar (7 Months Warranty Remaining)
3.1660 Super MSI (Working Great Non Repaired Non Repasted)
4. Colorful B450 M-K with Box (7 Months Warranty Remaining)
5. Cooler Master Hyper 212 Cooler
6. Boost Jaguar RGB Casing With Box
7.1 TB Nvme
8.1 TB HDD
9.128 GB SSD
10.600 Watt PSU
1. Dell 24 Inch 60 Hz HDMI Monitor (No Spot Everything is cleared)
Other Peripherals
1. XBOX Wired Controller with Box
2. Wifi Device Alpha
3. Lunar Headphones
4. Logitech Mouse
5. All Cables (HDMI , Power Cord Etc. )
Parts will not be for sale separately.
Original Pics are attached
Location Karachi
Price 125000/- ( Minor Negotitation is possible)
Perfectly working not a single issue in performance
Reason for selling i am not much using this pc due to tough schedule.