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North Karachi Buffer Zone, Karachi
6 days ago
Well COME TO SERANI CHEMICALS Asalamualikom Serani Chemicals waterproofing company is a trusted and reputable waterproofing company, we specialize in safeguarding residential, commercial, and industrial sectors against water damage. We deliver top-quality waterproofing solutions to ensure the longevity and structural integrity of your property. Our commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and attention to detail sets up apart as the go-to waterproofing expert in the industry. We understand that the quality of materials used in waterproofing plays a vital role in long-term durability. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and commitment to delivering superior workmanship on every job. Here are some of the services we provide: RCC Roof waterproofing and heat-Proofing. Metal Roof waterproofing and heat-proofing. Corrugated Roof waterproofing and heat-proofing. Shingle Roof waterproofing and heat-proofing. Tile Roof waterproofing and heat-proofing. Basement waterproofing and foundation repair. Water tank waterproofing and cleaning. Bathroom Leakage or Seepage solutions (without any damage). Roof Leakage Waterproofing Service * Roof Heat Proofing Service * Bathroom Leakage seepage Repairing * Water Tank Leakage Repairing Service * Swimming Pool Waterproofing * Basement Leakage seepage Service * Walls Seepage Proofing Treatment * Washroom leakage seepage Treatment * Drain Lines Waterproofing چھت کی تپش اور لیکج، سیپج سے نجات۔ چھتوں، دیواروں، پانی والی ٹکی اور باتھ روم کی لیکج کا خاتمہ بذریعہ کیمیکل کوٹنگ سے کرواٸیں۔ چھت کی ہیٹ، تپش کا مکمل خاتمہ بذریعہ کیمیکل۔ %50 بجلی کی یقینی بچت۔ پانی والی ٹنکی کی صفاٸی کیمیکل ۔ بغیر کسی توڑ پھوڑ کہ باتھ روم ہو یا چھت کی لیکج واٹر ٹینک کا مسئلہ ہو یا دیوار کا ابھی ٹھیک کروائیں۔ Featured Services:- * Roof Heat Proofing Service * Roof Leakage Waterproofing Service * Bathroom Leakage seepage Repairing * Water Tank Leakage Repairing Service * Swimming Pool Waterproofing * Basement Leakage seepage Service * Washroom leakage seepage Treatment * Drain Lines Waterproofing * Walls Seepage Proofing Treatment Contect US: 9/2/3/2/2/0/2/2/3/5/4/0 9/2/3/3/5/8/4/7/8/6/9/8
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