At a price of Rs. 6200000 this property can be the best investment option in this Bankers Avenue - Block C. This listing let you choose the perfect 5 Marla property for you. A comfortable life awaits you in Bankers Avenue - Block C, surrounded by all kinds of facilities. Affordable real estate options are available in Lahore so search one for yourself today. Here is the Residential Plot you can have today and be proud of the decision. Buy your property today and be a lucky owner.
Some prominent details of the property are as follows.
Possession of the property is available once all payments are cleared.
Consistent supply of water is maintained at all times.
An electricity connection meets your fundamental needs here.
A Sui Gas connection ensures that your heating and cooking needs are fully met.
Along with other amenities, the Residential Plot comes with a sewerage system ensuring proper and efficient drainage.
Your queries on the offer are welcome, so please give us a call.