At Rs. 8000000, you cannot find a more tempting deal. The city of Lahore offers it all; the culture, the opportunities and a coveted suburban backdrop. 20 Marla properties are best for investment as well as living purposes. Peacefully located away from the hustle and bustle of the main city, this Residential Plot will give you the peace of mind you need most. Residential Plot that checks all boxes is not easy to find, so schedule an appointment today. Also, you'd be hard pressed to find a property in Chinar Bagh - Rachna Block which offers the same package.
Details of the property are mentioned below.
The Residential Plot comes with all basic amenities including a working sui gas connection.
The plots here also offer almost immediate possession.
Active supply of water is ensured at all times.
Active supply of electricity is ensured.
The sewerage facility in the Residential Plot ensures proper and efficient drainage.
The Residential Plot is surrounded by a boundary wall to prevent anyone from trespassing.
For further correspondence about the property, you can fill the form and we'll get in touch.