The market trends confirm that the quoted price of Rs. 3500000 is quite reasonable. Investment in 3 Marla property should give you higher than expected returns. For sure, you have found the perfect property for yourself in Lahore. A property in Al-Kabir Town - Phase 2 is the best investment decision, so what are you waiting for. Your property search ends right here with this Residential Plot as it's the best that turned up. This is the best opportunity for you to buy this property at the lowest possible price.
Notable property details are as follows.
The Residential Plot comes with all basic amenities including a working sui gas connection.
Active supply of water is ensured at all times.
Along with other amenities, the Residential Plot comes with a sewerage system ensuring proper and efficient drainage.
No one can trespass the property as it is protected by a boundary wall.
The Residential Plot comes with electricity supply.
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