You can make a booking for the 10 Marla property available in the new project. Here is a property that falls in an ideal price range of Rs. 110000 and offers all the desirable amenities. It's not easy to find a property as good as this to rent. Take it from us, and put this on top of your list. The location of Formanites Housing Scheme is a highly demanded one which makes it an opportunity for all. If you are looking for a House, Formanites Housing Scheme might have just the thing. Book your House today for a better tomorrow.
Find out more details about the property with the following.
This property gives you all the leverage to personalise your drawing room with the kind of furniture and decor that you like.
This property has a separate dining room to host your guests in privacy.
Play a board game, watch TV, have a go at Xbox in the lounging area of your new home.
You can have all your doubts cleared by giving us a call.