(Candidates) Apply for this Job Only if you have Experience in Faceless/CashCow Video Editing.
Chances of Getting Hired Will Increase if Candidate have Experience in Following Softwares: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects.
How To Apply:
Send Us Application on Following Number
( 0: 3: 3: 9: 0: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1: 7: )
Applitcation Should Start with Word “SKROLL”.
In Application Mention Your full name, Your past Experiences, Past work, Education (Optional),
What Software do you use for editing (Must), Your Age (Altough there is no age limit), And Your Portfolio (If you have one, If you dont have you can share your past projects).
Candidate Must have PC or Laptop Capable of Running Softwares like Adobe Premiere pro without an issue. Because we want to work Flawlessly
Again if you Don’t have Experience in making Faceless, Cashcow or Automation videos then dont apply.
And Its a Longterm Opportunity.
There are less Chances of getting reply on OLX But we Will Our best.