With a price like Rs. 240000, there is literally no reason for you to look anywhere else. Start exploring property options today in the bustling city of Lahore that provides modern facilities and infrastructure. With property in EME Society - Block E, you'll live the life of your dreams. The House is well designed to accommodate the family and their guests. If 20 Marla House is what you are looking for, this is it. For the best rental units in good location, connect with us today.
These features below will convince you why this property is right for you.
You can easily enjoy some fresh air or go for a morning walk in the community park nearby.
A beautiful Jamiah mosque is located at a convenient walking distance from the House.
Your kids can play to their heart's content in the play area adjoining the property.
The House has a prayer room as well, which you can utilize any way you like.
A separate and spacious dining room gives this property a potential for increased value in the future.
Double glazed windows are a stylish addition to the House that comes with several benefits.
A powder room is a great addition especially if you frequently entertain guests.
We are only a call away to guide you to make the best property decisions of your life.