The prevailing market conditions make the price of Rs. 9500000 quite tempting. You will thank yourself later for investing in 5 Marla property that doesn't come by so easily. A Residential Plot in DHA 9 Town - Block A is an opportunity that should not be missed, so make the most out of it while it lasts. The city of Lahore offers it all; the culture, the opportunities and a coveted suburban backdrop. Right now is the time to buy this property. Know that this Residential Plot right here is only a click away, so we recommend that you make haste to claim it.
Important details of the property are listed below.
Once your payment is made, you can take possession of the Residential Plot.
The uninterrupted water supply prevents the residents from facing any hassle on this front.
A Sui Gas connection ensures that your heating and cooking needs are fully met.
Basic utilities like water, electricity and gas are in place.
You don't have to worry about sewerage disposal. A modern sewerage system is already in place.
Contact us now, and our representatives will give you all the details you need.