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Rs 2,500

ps4. xbox one, xbox 360 and og xbox games

OPF Housing Scheme, Lahore
4 weeks ago
Selling my personal collection, all games are mint condition even all boxes are brand new and scratchlessly shiny mostly just Seal opened and unused for personal display purposes. Most games are region all which are rare here, all games have manuals and phamphlets they came with. Xbox games are all back compatible with xbox one and series x with free upgrades. while all ps4 games with ps5 with free upgrades. Prices are final unless bought in bulks then slight discount is on. Im not a seller. Only selling because shifting to a rtx4080 pc since console collecting is getting too expensive in pk. JazakAllah no foolish offers as prices are final. Game sale OG XBOX Matrix Path of Neo (just seal opened)3000 Max Payne 3000 XBOX360 the orange box 2000 Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game of the year edition (with Dlc) 2500 the darkness 2 2000 star wars force unleashed 2000 prince of persia forgotten sands 2000 prince of persia 2500 metal gear rising reveangeance (just seal opened) 3000 max payne 3 (2discs) 3000 Lost planet extreme condition 2500 grand theft auto 4 2000 grand theft auto stories of liberty city 2000 fall out 3 game of the year edition (2disc) 2500 dragon age 2 2000 dragon age origins 2000 dragon age awakening 2000 dead space 2 2500 dead space 3 2500 batman arkham origins 2500 assassins creed 2500 XBOX ONE dead rising 3 2000 dead rising 4 2000 gears of war ultimate edition 2000 gears of war 4 2000 halo masterchief collection 2000 halo wars 2 2000 (just seal opened) quantum break 2000 recore 2000 ryse son of rome 2000 sunset overdrive 2000 evil within 2 2000 PS4 assassins creed unity 1500 doom 2000 dying light enhaced edition (with dlc) 2500 heavy rain and beyond collection 2500 (2 discs) kingdom hearts 2.8hd 2000 mass effect andromeda 2000 resident evil origins collection 2500 resident evil revaltions2 2000 rise of the tombraider book edition 2000 shadow of mordor 2000 tomb raider definitive edition 2000 vampyre 2000
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