You can buy 5 Marla property as an investment. If you think that this property's location in Park View City is just swell, we'd recommend that you sign up for it quickly. A solid Residential Plot is a dream come true for many, and yours can come true today if you take the lead on this offer. Of all the attractions of this property, its price-tag of Rs. 5000000 is perhaps the most important one. Now is the perfect time to buy property in Park View City. Buy your property today and be a lucky owner.
A few highlighting features of the property are as follows.
Water tank and supply is sufficient enough to meet a large family's needs.
As development completes, you can take possession of your property.
An electricity connection meets your fundamental needs here.
A 24/7 active security staff maintains a safe, peaceful environment for the dwellers.
You don't have to worry about sewerage disposal. A modern sewerage system is already in place.
For further information, you can fill out the contact form.