Property in Khana Kacha Road lets you access the best facilities and amenities around. Become part of the ultimate lifestyle that awaits you in Khana Kacha Road. The demand price is set pretty reasonably at Rs. 3500000. Protect your future, purchase this property today. 5 Marla property in a thriving city is the best investment option right now. An A-class Residential Plot is available so make use of the offer right now.
Find out why this property is the best option for you below.
A 24/7 active security staff maintains a safe, peaceful environment for the dwellers.
Active supply of water is ensured at all times.
An electricity connection meets your fundamental needs here.
A dedicated Sui Gas supply means that you don't have to worry about cooking facilities.
In this property, you don't have to worry about drainage as a proper sewerage system is in place.
Reach out to us for bookings and details.