At a price of Rs. 125000 such a deal may be hard to come again. EME Society is offering a good number of options through which you can experience the urban life at its best. All the routine facilities are at a close reach from the Lower Portions in EME Society. In this property's spacious 32 Marla, you can live your dream lifestyle. Living or investing in EME Society has its own benefits. You'll stay in your rental property for at least a few years, so why not choose the best one.
The following property features will tell you what makes it special.
A barbeque area also adjoins the place and is perfect to entertain small gatherings.
Safety is a top priority, so security staff will be available on the premise.
The house has a separate prayer room so that you can offer your five daily prayers peacefully, away from the noise.
The complex comes equipped with central air conditioning for ensuring a comfortable experience.
You can meet the neighbourhood community after prayers in the mosque near Lower Portion.
Your kids can play to their heart's content in the play area adjoining the property.
The central lounge in this Lower Portion is perfect for all family members to hang around together.
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