Assalam o Alikum
We have precast roof and precast boundary wall.
We have different sizes of girders and slab [girder spain 7'feet to 45'feet long]aslo we can customize if you have above 45'feet spain. [slab have 3'feet to 7'feet]
We have also precest boundary wall with different heights 5'feet to 12 feet.
Roof with 15' feet girder 220RS sq feet in lahore with installation and this rate with 4 complete walls as like room and no extra girder or main girder include in this rate. if your spain above 15' feet then rate will be change. and rate matters with your structure, spain, height, and location.
We have quality material we don't compromise in quality.
Low cost
Time saving
Easy to intall
Light weight
effective for double story.
Install anywhere like.
Poultry sheds
Diary farm
Shadi hall
Mosque. . . etc.
Please contact us for free quotation.