دیمک، لال بیگ سمیت تمام اڑنے اور رینگنے والے کیڑے مکوڑوں کا مکمل خاتمہ گارنٹی کے ساتھ۔
Contact: (0304/5206/105)
Get rid of unwated pests & insects from your home, office, or industrial premises with the professional team of Pest Management Company.
1. General fumigation for all the crawling and flying insects.
2. Termite Deemak Proofing with 07 years warrantty.
3. Bed Bugs Khhatmal Treatment.
4. Mosquito Control.
4. Gas Treatment.
5. Commercial / Insdustrial services.
6. Anti- cockroach treatment.
7. Anti bacterial treatment.
8. Water proofing.
9. heat treatment.
10. leakage seepage.
11. water tajk cleajing with eco friendly chekicals.
12. Integrated pest management.
13. Pest management program.
14. Rats control.
15. Snake control.
16. & other professional services.