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Rs 12,000

pale fellow Cremino albino decino Opline

Shahdara, Lahore
1 week ago
1 pair bara parrot breeder pair age 5 years 45k 2 pieces bary parrot age 7 to 8 months 12k each 1 piece Cremino ring age 7 to 8 month 16k albino red eye pair 5k 1 pair Cremino to dec ino age 2 years with 4 egg 12k violet pale fellow female *Parblue euwing Opline/pf male 25k pair blue pale fellow male* violet parblue Opline/pf female 25k pair green pale fellow/blue male *violet parblue /pf female breeder 15k green/b/pf*green/b /pf pair breeder 6k green Opline/b* blue /Opline with 5 egg off violet,blue pf* parblue opline/pf 15 k parblue *violet/Opline pair 2000 green *blue 2 pair each 1500 v pied cocktail male* fellow female 8k cage 4*15.15 revolving tyre 13no wire ( 4 khany) 3 cage each 12k cage 4.2.2(8 khany) fix cage 17k cage 2.2. 2 (3khany ) can be separate 13no wire 4k each location Shahdara Lahore
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