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P0lice Emergency Flash Siren Hooter X5 loud wireless horn video demo

Shahdara, Lahore
1 week ago
video available at youtube msg me for link. mic horn and flash lights all design, both available price according to models n designs -#LED blue n LED red cl0r, very p0werful flash. - Functi0n- -Flash alterternate according t0 circuit. #Flashing m0de given in the rem0te ,which type of flashing u want. . attractive lighting. - #Purp0se:- #-U can take way on r0ad wid help of these flash in emergency. N you can als0 clear the road/way wid help of these light. Operating 12v dc , $$ ##Fiting: - Fiting car inside ,in center of the fr0nt wind screen (air sucker), an als0 in hidden f0rm at at back of the fr0nt gril. then n0 one can n0tic these light %- _#P0table %- _#Waterproof %- sirren hooter -@ Siren hooter 3 sound , 5 sound , 7 sound, wireless 200w 400w full verity for bike n car Wireless no remote n and professional 2oow als0 avaliable &- _@watsap me f0r m0re pr0duct ,n detail of any item&- -@deliver all Pakistan , cash on delivery, at yours d00r step &-
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