Network Racks
Baby Rack
2u Rack
4u Rack
6u Rack 600×500 and 600×600 both
9u Rack 600×500 and 600×600 both
12u Rack 600×500 and 600×600 both
15u Rack 600×500 and 600×600 both
18u Rack 600×600 and 600×800 both
22u Rack 600×600 and 600×800 both
27u Rack 600×600, 600×800 and 800×1000
37u Rack 600×600, 600×800 and 800×1000
42u Rack 600×600, 600×800 and 800×1000
all sizes & dimensions available and on order also
Shop#11, Zamzama Centre beside Noorebahar Hotel, Saddar Karachi
Contact or WhatsApp on number. . .