برانڈ نیو کنڈیشن
سٹور اینڈ پک اپ لوکیشن اسلام آباد
کیش اون ڈیلیوری آل پاکستان
آرڈر کے لئے تصویر پر دیئے گئے نمبر پر واٹسپ کریں شکریہ
Motorola Nursery VM35-2 / Ease 35-2 Baby Monitor with 2 Cameras, 5.0 Inch Video Baby Monitor Display - Night Vision, Two-Way Communication, Lullabies, Zoom, Room Temperature, 1080p - WhiteSplit screen: with the two cameras, you can keep an eye on two or more children in different rooms; the split view shows the two different images next to each other on the 5.0 inch screen
5.0 inch colour display: with a 5.0 inch colour display, you can monitor your baby anywhere in the house; with the volume control, you can control the sound of the baby monitor very easily
Temperature display: this baby monitor contains a temperature sensor that allows you to detect the temperature of the baby's room; so you will always be calm
Zoom and infrared remote control with zoom and infrared night vision for a complete view of the entire room; even in the dark, you can see your child clearly
Lullabies with the integrated lullabies, soothing sounds or the audiobook, you can soothe your baby and let them fall asleep easily
If connections are lost or frequent disconnections, check your WiFi settings; reconnect your Wi-Fi if necessary; make sure the Wi-Fi camera unit is turned on; wait a few minutes to connect to the Wi-Fi system
The device runs for up to 5 hours on batteries when the screen is on and up to 8 hours with the screen off