Top quality love birds for sale
health and active
nail , tail , flying all ok
DNA & breeder pc
Video on demand only for series byers
watsapp 03/32/5560/514.
Pc and pair both available
parblu split eno into albino red eye (3500)
blu dilute// opline 3k
albino red eye 2000 pc
albino split red eye 1000
blu /opline// b2 male 2500
Green euwing opline/PF feamle 18K
Green/pf /blu 4500 female
voilet euwing opline split eno femle 4000
cremeeno male+female 4500 pc
luteeno red eye fisheri pair 4000
Green opline/b2 into parblu euw / opline 5500
Age ready 2 breed pc & bredr with money back grnty
watsapp plz 03/32/55/60/514
Only series person contact cargo available