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Rs 50,000

love birds albino decino creamino parblue Palefellows splits pastelino

Valencia Town, Lahore
4 hours ago
Exchange possible with big birds Priz are almost final lil negotiable Location Valencia town lhr cargo not possible bcz of eggs Broker hazrat rabta na he karay to better 4 them Albino red eye into split with 4 eggs 4k Green opline split b split pf male 5k Albino split female into parblue Ino male with 4 fertile eggs 3k Albino red eye female parblue pastelino male with 4 eggs 4k Albino split female parblue pastelino male with with 4 eggs 3k Green opline split B1B2 visual / parblue split pf Pair 20k Blue opline female blue Dilute male bonded pair 4k Blue fishri B2 possible Ino female 5k Albino red eye female 1k 2 Parblue Ino male 1k each Decino male ( fly Kam ha ) 1k Albino red eye Male 1k 2 Voilet fishri split pf female 5k each 2 creamino fertile guarante male 1500 each 1 decino male 1200 1 uwing voilet opaline Female 2k
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