At a price of Rs. 7500000 this property can be the best investment option in this Bankers Avenue - Block F. If you are looking for a Residential Plot, Lahore might have just the thing. Considering to buy this property? This one has multi-purpose facilities that doesn't show up on the radar too often. We can help you buy the best Residential Plot in Lahore. Of all the locations that you could wish to buy property, none currently match Bankers Avenue - Block F in the potential returns on investment. This 5 Marla Residential Plot is the best real estate asset you can purchase at the moment.
Following are some of the notable features of this property.
You don't have to worry about sewerage disposal. A modern sewerage system is already in place.
An electricity connection meets your fundamental needs here.
Water tank and supply is sufficient enough to meet a large family's needs.
This place is equipped with all the required amenities, including Sui Gas.
There is a smooth process in place for possession of the property.
Want to know more? Contact us.