For Sale (Isb Based)
Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R (ABS)
Model: 2015
Regn: 2019 (Isb) / Smart Card available
Colour: Black & Grey
Currently wrapped in Medora Red
AR Racing Exhaust (slip on)
GB Racing Engine Guards
Kawasaki Crash Guards
Shorty Levers
ABS Version + TC
Biometric on site
Demand: 32.5 (negotiable on spot)
WhatsApp: 0/3/3/3/0/3/3/8/2/8/2
- Neat and clean bike. No work required
- Ready to ride. Oils & filters changed recently
- Medora Red wrap worth 45k (Majestic Styling Isb)
- Sharing both original look and wrapped pics for clarity
- Detail video before wrap is available for clarity; no major dents or accidents
- Will be sold to the nearest offer; not in a hurry to sale