If you're looking for a Residential Plot for investment purposes, you're in the right place. We have the best property in Islamabad that's sure to interest you. Don't miss out the chance of acquiring one of these 7 Marla sized property. Airport Green Garden - Block B Islamabad is developing at a relatively fast pace, making it a great investment opportunity. This property at this price of Rs. 4700000 is surely a righ bargain. If you are a serious property buyer and ready to make a calculative, bold investment move, buy this property today.
Property details are listed as follows.
The property has a proper, contemporary sewerage system installed.
A Sui Gas connection ensures that your heating and cooking needs are fully met.
The Residential Plot is surrounded by a boundary wall to prevent anyone from trespassing.
A 24/7 active security staff maintains a safe, peaceful environment for the dwellers.
Water tank and supply is sufficient enough to meet a large family's needs.
You can take possession of the property as soon as all formalities are complete.
As an investor, buying a corner plot is the most lucrative investment that you can make.
For booking details, call us on the given numbers.