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Rs 350,000

ICU Ventilators, (Drager Evita Series)

Faisal Town, Lahore
5 hours ago
For what's app (View phone number) Drager Evita Series of ventilator. EVITA 2 DURA (RS: 350,000) EVITA 4 (RS: 500,000) EVITA XL (RS: 650,000) special discount and services will provide to end users and Hospitals. The Drager Evita 2 Dura is an advanced intensive care Drager ventilators with a simple and versatile operation, a highly responsive flow trigger, and an open breathing system that gives both the patient and the clinician “Room to Breathe”. The standard color screen provides enhanced monitoring.   Specifications. Ventilation mode: IPPV, IPPVAssist (CMV, CMVAssist) SIMV, SIMVASB (SIMV, SIMV/Psupp) MMV, MMVASB (MMV, MMV/Psupp) BIPAP1), BIPAP1)ASB, BIPAP1)Assist (PCV+, PCV+/Psupp, PCV+Assist) CPAP, CPAPASB (CPAP, CPAP/Psupp) APRV (optional) ILV (optional) Enhancements: AutoFlow – Automatic adaptation of inspiratory flow in volume controlled modes ATC – Automatic Tube Compensation (optional) IV – Mask Ventilation (optional) Ventilation frequency (f): 0 to 100 /min, 0 to150 /min (Neonatal) Inspiration time (Tinsp): 0.1 to 10 s Tidal volume (VT) (BTPS): 0.1 to 2.0 L (Adult) 0.02 to 0.3 L (Pediatric) 0.003 to 0.1 L (Neonatal) Inspiratory flow: 6 to 120 L/min (Adult) 6 to 30 L/min (Pediatric and Neonatal) Inspiratory pressure: 0 to 80 mbar (cmH2O) PEEP / intermittent PEEP: 0 to 35 mbar (cmH2O) Pressureassist (PASB) (Psupp): 0 to 80 mbar (cmH2O) Rise time for inspiratory pressure: 0 to 2 s O2 concentration: 21 to 100 Vol. For what's app (0336 four24five185
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