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food chef and Concertor (3226445848)

Delhi Gate Multan, Multan
2 weeks ago
Hiring Person/CompanyHiring as Company
Company Namefood creator's
Type of AdJob Wanted
Salary from1234
Salary to1234
Career LevelExecutive
Salary PeriodMonthly
Position TypeContract
we provide all A to Z restaurant services -we provide all recipes with staff -we give recipes to restaurant owner not to staff because of staff black mailing -Our specialties include:- Pizza, Grill burgers, burger sauces, zinger, many verities of fries,tortilla wraps, pasta, steak, cone ice-cream,etc We work contract based only first you have to taste our recipes and than decide you will work with us or not. our services :- Restaurant interior, kitchen equipment, well managed staff with recipes arranged and restaurant opening etc. .
Ad id 1089988359
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