Whatever kind of House you are looking for, you are in the right place to find it. With property prices soaring, investing in Askari 5 seems to be a good idea. Check out our list of hot properties for sale in Lahore. A well-fitted and well located 1 Kanal bungalow is up for sale, so what are you waiting for. It's best to buy this property in order to get lucrative return on your investment. If you have a budget of Rs. 105000000, here is the listing you must explore.
These features below will convince you why this property is right for you.
A separate dining room area can do wonders for meal times and with this property, it can be yours.
The House has double glazed windows that are stylish yet practical.
The property comes with a private drawing and dining room for when you have company.
Book your unit by contacting on our given numbers.