The price tag is set quite reasonably at Rs. 75000. If you are looking for a safe neighbourhood, the location of Wapda Town - Block A1 is ideal for you. The number of 10 Marla options in the Wapda Town - Block A1 can be limited, so hurry up. A House that is located in the prime location like this one is no less than an opportunity. Not to sound biased but the city of Gujranwala seems to welcome all with great hope and possibilities. This could very well be the rental property you would love to call home.
Find out the basic features of the property below.
The property comes with a private drawing and dining room for when you have company.
Having a separate dining room in the House makes meal time more fun.
The sitting room in this listing is perfect for informal gatherings.
The property comes with a powder room - adding to its many convenient features.
Book your appointment today by calling on the given numbers.