Luckily, your search for 5 Marla property has led to this carefully curated option. Owning property in Bahria Orchard is a dream for many, so stop waiting and start exploring. Property in Bahria Orchard lets you access the best facilities and amenities around. At a price of Rs. 18000000 this property can be the best investment option in this Bahria Orchard. Just know that a purchasing opportunity like this doesn't come easy. This well-planned House enjoys well-ventilated at all times.
The following property features will tell you what makes it special.
With a separate study room in the House you have a personal space where you can read in peace.
The House features state-of-the-art amenities for the differently-abled.
Your kids can play to their heart's content in the play area adjoining the property.
Sauna is a great way to lose weight and with access on the property you can make full use of it.
You can easily enjoy some fresh air or go for a morning walk in the community park nearby.
Your body pain can vanish, with a quick session in the Jacuzzi.
A furnished House is available that fits modern lifestyle standards.
Looking for property options? Contact us and let us guide you for the best offers.