Aoa I am selling my honda Es AirRide Beauty Outer shawered in red with gold flakes expensive
Original D16 engine still use totachi 10w 40 oil Giving 13/14km per litre fuel average guranteed
Inner totally genuine and sell to sell
Air suspension installed Low riders dual Compresser working properly
Sports Tilt Sterring installed
Brand New 17" Rim installed 9.5jj Rims Brand new Low profile Tyre installed
Pannal installed
Engine Dessring install
Push start Button and remote start installed
Remote security system installed
Interiors covert into red
Red poshing instlled
England flag Mats installed
Heavy exhaust sound system installed
4 channal amplifier and 2 Door and 5 kenwood speckers installed heavy sound system installed
Fog lams and foot lights Ambeint lights install and full
HiD lights installed
Rectracble side mirror install
Expansive bodys kits install
Gt wing Spoiler installed
Screen security keypaid installed
No work requared just buy and drive Biomatric and smart card number plates available
Only serious buyer contact
Time wasters stay away