Honda Civic 1988
Japanese import
Exterior bhatti showered candy red
New powerfull watar dropping engine D16 vetc swapped (Build)
Obd-1 wiring with P-28 ECU
Tuned by anas k. k
After market 4.2. 1. Headers
2.50" SS Straight Piping
Power entina
Fornt projection lawa light with h. i. d
Normaly sound systam
Momo deep dish stering
With queek relis kit
Low profile tires with expensiv Deep dish star rims
Front on back 4 awy coil overs
Walbro fuel pump
All documents clear and complete
Some year taxe remaning will be byer paid
(1 number plat miss)
Demand 650000
zero. three. zero. two. one. two. five. five. six. zero. four