Engine 101% Genuine seal to seal company fitted hy.
Sound same like new bike outclass hy
14000km chala hoa hy genuine
Number lga hoa hy
Computerize Original number plates lgi hn
Documents 1st owner complete hn. Copy, file, invoice hr cheez 100%.
Condition bilkul zero meter hy pics me dekh skty hn
2015 ModeL TotaL Genuine Bike hy
Jis bhai ko Bike smaj me ati ho or wo interested ho to call pe rabta kre
Inbox me "Final, Last, dena kitny ka" ye FizooL msg na kry
Price face to face moky pe less ho gi
Location Toba Tek Singh city
Contact :-
O3l5_ 6/5, 6-/4, -2'-9/6